Global Trends Report

Big picture trend and pattern analysis to improve your portfolio timing in: U.S., Developed, Emerging Markets, Commodities, Currencies, Gold.

Metals Report

Chart pattern analysis in Gold, Silver, Copper, Miners, Steel. Sentiment analysis when available. Position setups, and alerts sent by email real time.

Sectors/Commodities Report

Chart pattern analysis in Sectors, Commodities & Select Individual Stocks. Sentiment analysis when available. Position setups. Alerts sent by email real time.

Weekly Combo

Chris’s 3 Weekly Reports Combined. Pattern analysis and setups identified for you in Global Indices, Commodities, & Metals & Select Individual Stocks. Real Time Alerts on New Positions Emailed To Your Inbox. 4-6 Setups Per Month Avg. Recording of Premium Member Webinars (Free).

Premium Research

All Research Produced. Hundreds of chart patterns monitored. Pattern analysis &setups identified for you in Global Indices, Sectors, Commodities & Metals & Select Individual Stocks. Real time alerts on new positions emailed to your inbox. 12-15 setups per month (avg). Live member ‘Connect Series’ webinars. Pattern analysis & relative strength trade opportunities in individual stocks. All weekly research included. Occasional custom pattern analysis on a specific asset of interest to you.