Metals Report
Big Picture Pattern Analysis and Trade Alerts in Gold, Silver, Copper, the Miners and Other Metals

Metals Report
An ideal solution for people who want a consistent coverage, big picture technical analysis and trade opportunities in the metals.

There’s a ton of investment news and opinions in the metals space.
My research will minimize the noise with charts that are concise, timely & actionable
– pointing out the most prominent patterns & opportunities
Weekly Coverage of Four Key Metals
provide a weekly snapshot of current patterns and opportunities in GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, & MINERS.
This is an excellent solution for people who want a consistent technical perspective and trade opportunities to capitalize on extreme reversals and breakout materialize. We will occasionally highlight additional metals such as Platinum, Palladium and others but these four will be covered weekly.
- Weekly reports with detailed coverage of the four key metals listed above
- Real time trade alerts to long or short one or more of the metals (primarily based on longer term perspectives)
- Trade alerts include include chart, initial stop, updates and additional action to take
I share suggestions but members should take action based on what they believe to be ideal setups based on their own research, indicators and investment strategy
- Sentiment readings showing looking for extremes / excesses in optimism and pessimism
- Coverage of currencies and their impact on the metals
I actually signed up for your Metals monthly package last night….and want to compliment you on your long ago call that after silver peaked in the possible Eiffel Tower pattern, that it could go all the way down to 15. My thoughts we’re…NO WAY!!! This is a metal with some actual use in the world in manufacturing, etc. I periodically bought in, then sold out, numerous times from 22 and under, still not thinking that silver would ever find 15, but it did, to my utter amazement. I think you have me as a “renewed” member, only this time, for a long time. Amazing. Rick L
Chris: I just want to let you know I am really enjoying your service! I made my first trade from your recommendations on 01-06-15 (GDX @ $19.79). I held that one for 16 days and made 18.1% return! What I appreciate most about your service, besides the nice gains thus far, is that your recommendations also include short positions for large portions of the market. I have already made money buying an ETF short from your recommendation (SH and TBF) and that is a first for me. I am grateful that your service gives me confidence to make these short position trades because I would only be guessing and gambling on short positions in ETF’s otherwise…. Thanks very much for your service!! Tony
I look forward to helping you capitalize on the Power of the Pattern in the Metals!
Chris Kimble, Founder/CEO
Kimble Charting Solutions