On 11/10, I did the post “Cracks showing up in bonds.”  (see post here)  Reflecting weakness in 3 types of bonds. Now you can add MORE BONDS TO THE WEAK LIST!


2008 was a challenge for most, because it was hard to find a place to hide… The few bright spots in 2008 to own were Cash, U.S. government bonds and the U.S. Dollar, since stocks and commodities pretty much got run over.

Personally I don’t define risk as markets going down…I look at risk as “how many asset classes go down AT THE SAME TIME!”   I am not attempting to be right or wrong on this subject, just attempting to shed light that all of a sudden we are experiencing “risk in this form, AGAIN!!!”  (meaning very few places to hide).

How The Recent Decline In Stocks Looks "Eerily" Like Major Bear Markets Of The Past