Does anyone remember the Miracle on Ice back in 1980?  Was it a “Miracle” where Silver closed this past week?  1980 impact at hand?


Silver declined almost 30% last week!  Did prices in 1980 impact/influence Silver this past week? 


A week ago today, the weekly quiz was suggesting to “harvest Gold” at channel resistance.(see chart here) I produced this chart and pushed out the answer a day early, due to how critical of a situation the metals complex had created.

The left chart above reflects that what took place back in 1980, remains an influcence on Silver today. In the chart on the right, SLV looks to have hit support this past week. A rally to fill the “unfilled GAP” at (4) should be expected in short order or may have taken place aready!!! 

Game Plan….The “Power of the Pattern” would suggest that a decent bounce in Silver should be expected and what that bounces looks like and how it plays out/acts at (4), will tell us a ton about Silvers next big move!


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