Does a large decline in Cotton suggest anything about the consumer or the global economy? I don’t know, I will leave that up to much smarter people than myself. Feel free to comment or email on this macro topic if you would care to-
Is a 50% decline in Cotton over the past 4 months enough of a decline to step in an buy it?
The “Power of the Pattern” looks to be suggesting that Cotton needs to decline a bit further before investors might want to pick up an asset that has fallen a ton in price. Keep a close eye on the Cotton ETF (BAL) for short-term bounce opportunites that could be close at hand.
SP…Thank you…I look at each one of these on their own. Cotton if further from its 52-week high than any commodity on the planet. That has me interested to see if we can find a favorable pattern. Great observation.
Very nice timing on cotton Chris. I see that BAL is performing well. Do you think it’s entirely due to the dollar index falling?