Many have you have ask why I haven’t done any quiz’s of late. After the passing of my father, I wanted to a take a short-term break.
After doing so I found myself very behind (in a blink of an eye I had over 1,200 unread emails and requests for Premium Membership sign-up info). I haven’t overlooked anyones emails, just attempting to get through a backlog. I will get back to each of you individually by next week per your Premium requests.
To respond to the quiz emails is fun and enlightening at this end, yet it does take a good deal of time to do so. Many have commented how much money they’ve made off of them and that they can’t wait for them to return.
I have hired additional personal to meet the demands of a growing business. Our plans…a weekly quiz if great opportunities look to be at hand. Speaking of opportunities…looks like one below!
I will post the answer to this quiz in two days.
If you have thoughts or opinions on what you would do, I am interested in hearing them. If you would like to know what the chart is before I post the answer, please send us an email and will get back to you as soon as we can.
We have a new email address solely for quiz info…Please send your quiz requests to [email protected]
Have fun with this quiz and good luck on what loks like a good pattern opportunity! All the best Chris
Scott….Please send responses to this new quiz email address-
[email protected]
Inverted SP500 or FXE?