Kimble Charting Solutions (KCS) is starting two new Power of the Pattern services, one named the “Sector Sentiment Extreme of the Week!” 

This is a weekly service that combines the 5 most out of favor (uncrowded) sectors/commodities and the 5 most favored (crowded) sectors/commodities and then we apply the Power of the Pattern to them.

We introduced them in the Global Webinar workshops this week. Below was the play of the week, shared with Premium members a week ago and to the workshop attendee’s this week.


Coffee is doing well today (6/29 Coffee was up over 4%/JO over 5% today, at the time of this posting)…See quote here  For those of you that picked up Coffee due to the workshop, its off to a nice start!

If you would like more information on the new Power of the Pattern Sector Sentiment of the week” play, send us an email at [email protected] and in the subject line enter….Info request for Sector Sentiment Program

 We will then get you details on this exciting combo of pattern analysis along with sectors/commodities at sentiment extremes.



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