Since September of 2011, Gold has found a key line of support to bounce off of and right before the bounce, Gold traders have created a bullish wick along line (1).

This past week something a little different took place as gold tried to rally, then declined, creating a “Bearish wick” along this support line, which has not been common for Gold the past 18 months.

Support line (1) is a BIG DEAL for Gold and the bearish wick of last week could be sending a BIG message to Gold traders.  Gold has held at this line and boy does it ever need to hold here or good numbers of sellers could step forward.

If haven’t received our complimentary report on our targets for Silver & Gold (where we would like to become heavy buyers) , send us an email to [email protected] or click on the box below and we will share our medium term targets for Silver and Gold.



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