What does the 1974 low, 1987 crash and 2000 highs have in common? They are some of the most important highs/lows in the past 40 years and they are 13-years apart!
13-years from the 2000 high is 2013! Will this 13-year cycle influence the markets with the Dow hitting dual resistance lines from 1987 and 2000 coming into play right now???
One of my favorite quotes is….“It’s not the odds of something happening, its the impact if it does!”
Odds may be low that this 13-year cycle impacts the markets this year…if it does, the impact could be big since Margin debt levels are into the DANGER ZONE again! (See Margin debt) First time margin debt levels were the highest in history? 13-years ago!!!
Stay tuned to see if the 13-year cycle has an influence this year!