The inset table above reflects the 7 largest ETF’s in the U.S. So far this year, 5 of the 7 are either under performing the S&P 500 by 10% or more, three of them by more than 25%! These funds total $171 Billion in assets! 3 of the top 7 are actually underwater YTD! (VWO, GLD & EEM).
Emerging markets YTD are actually sub-merging in price! After hitting a falling resistance line recently, 2 of the top 7 ETF’s have fallen hard.
When it comes to the game show “To Tell the Truth” should we believe the message from the strong S&P 500 or the weak global/emerging markets?
One this is for sure….a ton of assets are under performing the S&P 500 YTD!
Members shorted the Nikkei and Emerging markets and harvested gains recently. If certain conditions take place, I will be looking to repurchase shorts in this area again!