

3D systems (DDD) was one of the hottest stocks on Wall Street from the 2009 lows to January of 2014, up over 4,000%! 

The Power of the Pattern in January of this year shared that DDD looked like it could be in trouble and investors should harvest holdings in DDD as it looked to be forming an “Eiffel Tower” pattern. At the time of the posting, DDD was breaking short-term support (see post here)

Since that posting in January, DDD has declined around 50% and now it is breaking below its multi-year rising channel. 

IMHO, companies in the 3D field will have an outstanding and positive impact on our lives going forward. That does not mean that the Eiffel Tower pattern is completed putting its downside pressure on this stock.

How The Recent Decline In Stocks Looks "Eerily" Like Major Bear Markets Of The Past