666anniversaymarch6CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGE

Happy 666 Anniversary everyone!

6-years ago today (3/6/2009) the S&P 500 hit an intra-day low of 666 and then proceed to take off to the upside. As you can see to the right side of the chart, the S&P 500 has averaged 21% annualized returns over the past 6-years.  The chart looks at other 6-year windows of time and looks at annualized returns since the early 1930’s.

As you can see when you compared other six year returns that averaged 19% or more, the recent run up is rather steep!

Would it be odd that 6-years after the low, the S&P hits a high?

I also wonder what the 6-year annualized return will be 6 years from now??? Any guesses anyone???

Thanks for your viewership everyone, its been a really blessing to have you looking at the Power of the Pattern over the years!


How The Recent Decline In Stocks Looks "Eerily" Like Major Bear Markets Of The Past