Back to the Future…Election day and QE2

Back to the Future…Election day and QE2

  In the hit movie “Back to the Future”  Michael J Fox had access to a time machine, allowing him to go back and forward in time.   So what if we had access to a time machine and we went forward in time, just a mere 30 days….. the election and QE2...
What just happened?   Dow Jones

What just happened? Dow Jones

What happened yesterday? CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGE What happened yesterday?  NOT A TON….Appears the Dow reacted to the Fibonacci 61% retracement level at the top of the wedge! “One day a TREND DOES NOT MAKE,” yet on a very short-term basis, I do...
30-Year Fibonacci level at hand for Silver

30-Year Fibonacci level at hand for Silver

I have received several requests for the “Big Picture” on Silver.  Here it is….. Gold finds itself at all time highs…Silver at the 38% retracement level.  If Silver can break good ole Fibonacci, the next line (2) is a BIG PERCENTAGE above line...