by Chris Kimble | Aug 18, 2017 | Kimble Charting
Below looks at the Stock/Bond ratio, which is created by using the S&P 500 and Zero Coupon Bond ETF (ZROZ). The chart below looks at the price action over the past three years. Since the highs back in 2014, the ratio for the most part has created a horizontal...
by Chris Kimble | Jun 30, 2017 | Kimble Charting
At the beginning of the year, it was easy to find people discussing the idea that reflation/growth was going to take place in the economy and many positioned portfolios accordingly. Now that we find ourselves at the mid point of the year, we wanted to take a look at...
by Chris Kimble | Jun 26, 2017 | Kimble Charting
Stocks have done well this year and the past 90-days. Which would you rather have owned the past 90-days and Year to date, the S&P 500 or Bond fund ZROZ? Below looks at the performance of the S&P and ZROZ over the past 90-days. CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGE Over...
by Chris Kimble | Jun 15, 2017 | Kimble Charting
When it come to performance so far this year, would one be better off owning the S&P 500 or Long-Term Zero coupon bonds? Below compares the S&P 500 to Pimco’s Zero Coupon Bond ETF (ZROZ). So far this year, both have done well and pretty much have the...